Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polycarbosilane-g-Cyclodextrin Polymer Brushes and Their Controlled Drugs Release Behavior 超支化聚硅碳烷-g-环糊精聚合物刷的制备及药控释放行为
Lead researcher Hulda Swai, from CSIR's Centre for Polymer Technology, said that in preclinical trials her team have created nanoparticles containing four frontline anti-TB drugs. CSIR的聚合物技术中心的HuldaSwai领导了这项研究,她说她的研究组已经在临床前期试验中制成了含有4种抗结核一线药物的纳米颗粒。
The application of molecularly imprinted polymer in the separation of chiral drugs and recognition of bio-molecules 分子印迹聚合物在手性药物和生物分子识别分离中的应用
RESULTS The velocity of drugs pass through the BPJ-10 polymer membrane was the same as drugs pass through the huam skin. 结果药物在BPJ10高分子人工膜上的透过速度与人的皮肤上的扩散理论的透过速度相一致。
Study on complexation of β-cyclodextrin polymer with several drugs β-环糊精聚合物与药物包合作用的研究
This paper introduces expansion polymerization and expounds its applications to medical polymer materials, such as tooth filled materials, moderate delivery drugs, absorbable sutures, medical adhesives and so on. 本文介绍膨胀聚合反应,综述其在医用高分子材料方面的应用,诸如补牙材料、缓释放药物、手术缝合线、医用粘合剂等。
Studies on the Synthesis and in Vitro Release of Colon-specific Polymer Drugs 结肠靶向高分子药物的合成与体外释放研究
Local intratumoral chemotherapy with the use of biodegradable polymer implants that allow sustained release of chemotherapeutical drugs provides a new promising approach for selective and low neurotoxic therapy. 以生物降解聚合体做载体的化疗药缓释剂型瘤内应用,具有选择性高、神经毒性低的优点,为胶质瘤的治疗开辟了新途径。
Degradable high polymer material can be used for controlled drug delivery systems to embed bioactive agents and drugs for the purpose of controlled release and target delivery. 用可降解的高聚物材料包埋药物可起到缓释效果,通过控制粒径可实现靶向给药。
The drugs 'solubility in the solvent system and compatibility with the polymer materials will directly influence the encapsulation effect. Generally, lipophilic drugs can be encapsulated inside the lipophilic polymer fibers. 药物在溶剂体系中的溶解性及与高分子材料的相容性是影响药物能否被纤维成功包埋的直接因素,一般脂溶性药物易于被脂溶性的高分子纤维包埋。
One end of hydrophilic and one end of hydrophobic polymer nano-drug micelles overcome the barrier of insoluble small molecular drugs, so it is easy to reach the tumor tissue to have the effect of sustained-release and become a hot topic widely. 一端亲水、一端疏水的高分子纳米药物胶束由于克服了难溶小分子药物难溶的屏障且容易达到肿瘤组织并且具有缓释的效果而成为研究热点。
The polymer anticancer drugs were obtained by copolymerization of the anticancer drug monomers and HPMA. 将上述单体和HPMA共聚合得到高分子抗癌药物。